Enroll Enrollment Form If you would like your dog to attend Blue Dog Academy, please complete the information required below. First Name* Last Name* Email address* Street Address* City* State ZIP* Phone Number* Training Interest*One on One Private LessonsTraining CampDog's Name* Dog's Breed* Male or Female*MaleFemaleHas your dog been Spayed or Neutered*NoYesDog's Age* Vet's Name* Describe Previous Training How did you hear about us? Permission to post photos of your dog on social media? (optional) Yes! I want to see what my dog is up to at Blue Dog Academy! Subscribe Subscribe me to the news postings from Blue Dog Academy Acknowledgement of RiskIn consideration of the services of Blue Dog Academy Inc, their officers, agents, employees, and stockholders, and all other entities associated with those businesses hereinafter collectively referred to as “Blue Dog Academy”, I agree as follows: Blue Dog Academy has taken reasonable steps to provide safety and well being for all people and dogs who visit. Due to the freedom of the farm atmosphere, Blue Dog Academy has informed me that activities involving dogs and or livestock are not without risk. Certain risks are inherent in each activity and cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique character of the activity. These inherent risks are some of the same elements that contribute to the unique character of these activities and can be the cause of accidental injury, illness, or trauma. Blue Dog Academy does not want to frighten me or reduce my enthusiasm for this activity but believes it is important for me to know in advance what to expect and to be informed of the inherent risks. I acknowledge that engaging in dog training activities may require a degree of skill and knowledge different than other activities and that I have responsibilities as a participant. I acknowledge that the staff of Blue Dog Academy has been available to more fully explain to me the nature and physical demands of this activity and the inherent risks, hazards, and dangers associated with these activities. I certify that I and my dog(s) are fully capable of participating in these activities. Therefore, I assume and accept full responsibility for myself and my dog(s) for bodily injury, death or loss of personal property and expenses as a result of engaging in activities involving dogs and or livestock at Blue Dog Academy. I have carefully read, clearly understood and accepted the terms and conditions stated herein and acknowledge that this agreement shall be effective and binding upon me, my heirs, assigns, personal representative and estate and for all members of my family, including minor children. If under 18, this document must be signed and accepted by a parents or guardian.Acknowledgement of Risk* I have read and agree to the Acknowledgement of Risk. Before you are able to submit your request for enrollment, you must show that you have read and agree to the Acknowledgement of Risk.